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Mammamia , here i go again ~

why why ,how  can't i resisit you ?

Mammamia ,does it show again ,

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這是一部"很音樂"的喜感日劇 (adaption from 漫畫),故事主要是由一位很有鋼琴天分的女大學生跟一位'預備'指揮家所發展而成. 所以你可以聴到很多的古典音樂,除了鋼琴曲外, 主要的音樂是交響曲及協奏曲, 很難想像古典音樂可以和'喜感'有關,anyway, 看這部劇時, 請記得把你家最好的喇叭準備好, 耹聴古典的感動



劇中的交響曲多半是貝多芬的及布拉姆斯 , 因為我比較喜歡聴交響曲,所以只找了交響曲的部分 : (以貝多芬的第7號交響曲(92)貫穿整個劇)

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After seeing this movie, 2 different feelings overwhelmingly occupied my mind... 1.) We are sooooooooooooooooooo lucky that we are here (not in INdia) and in this genearation not born in 1938 ;  comparing with my own problems,it becomes nothing at all~    2. ) feel quite down and helpless to those Hindu women regulated by their religious customs.. ,even now,after thousand years the situation is not changing much to those un-wealth widows...  


Though women-revolutionary has somehow changed the structure of society in many developed countries, not to those countries lie with thousands histroy, like China,  it reminds me of some similarity of customs in old China culture, it's more likely to 童養息in the past Taiwan's or China society , however, the difference is that widows were living like normal people as others in China; but in Hindu society, widows are isolated and marked with dressing in white sari for whole life, and also limited their diets (widows couldn't eat fried foods,for example) ,keep bald for whole life too... miserably seemed to deprive their nature & normal rights of being a human !   How powerless they are in that kind of society!?!  and how come those women can bear and take it for granted ?? they never think of fight back for themsleves ?? I see how much powerful that their religion reigns them...,completely control well ....


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