第三次來到Hannover, 在又累 又 趕的行程中, 唯一令人感動的是我們的homestay lady.
雖然她沒法說很好的英文, 但 她很努力的會去查字典, 盡其可能的誏你了解她想要表達的意思.
< view from my window, snowed abit there >
Breakfast Day 1, So romatic breakfast ! we have candles almost every day,
she sets up table with different 'accessory' which brought cozy &"home" feeling ....
Breakfast Day3 . really makes me feel touched every morning....
Me and lovely landlady. can't believe she s around 52-year-old......
The last breakfast there.., his son -Philips, quite young and shy boy.
our sweet landlady gave us a gift on the last night, soooooo sweeeeet ~~
I would strongly and defnitely recommend this homestay if any one needs a place to stay when you are traveling there. feel free to let me know if you need further information about this homestay. would offer you the information without charge, of coz.